Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 14, 2020

Class 604 and 605
Terrific Tuesday and Virtual Trips Continue!
Attendance Reminders:
- You must complete this form each day
- You must type your first and last name. If your name is not there, we have to mark you as absent.
- Click Submit on the form once - not three or four times

You must choose one (1) place to visit AND answer the questions in the form below:
Trip A: The Brooklyn Museum https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/brooklyn-museum or 

The Museum of Modern Art  https://www.moma.org/collection/about?locale=en

Trip B: The Georgia Aquarium (Live Webcam) https://www.georgiaaquarium.org/webcam/beluga-whale-webcam/

Trip C:The Great Wall of China  https://www.thechinaguide.com/destination/great-wall-of-china
14 أبريل 2020
الفئة 604 و 605
الثلاثاء الرائع والرحلات الافتراضية تستمر!
تذكير الحضور:
- يجب عليك إكمال هذا النموذج كل يوم
- يجب عليك كتابة اسمك الأول والأخير. إذا لم يكن اسمك موجودًا ، فيجب وضع علامة على أنك غائب.
- انقر فوق إرسال في النموذج مرة واحدة - ليس ثلاث أو أربع مرات
يجب عليك اختيار مكان واحد (1) للزيارة والإجابة على الأسئلة في النموذج أدناه:
الرحلة أ: متحف بروكلين https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/brooklyn-museum or
متحف الفن الحديث https://www.moma.org/collection/about؟locale=en
الرحلة ب: حوض أسماك جورجيا (كاميرا الويب الحية) https://www.georgiaaquarium.org/webcam/beluga-whale-webcam/
الرحلة ج: سور الصين العظيم https://www.thechinaguide.com/destination/great-wall-of-china

Setup Your Student Email Account Now

*Please follow the link to setup your DOE Student Accounts. You must create these accounts to stay connected and meet academic requirements during remote learning. You will need your 9-digit Student ID (OSIS) number*

Mindfulness w/Ms. Adams
The art of dealing with stress and anxiety is the ability to recognize stress and implement strategies to deal with it before it becomes an overwhelming problem. On top of all that, life has drastically changed and is feeling pressure to stay inside and practice social distancing from extended family, friends, and the outside world. 

Simple Stress Coping Strategies
Obtain Social Support.           Prioritize exercise                       Express gratitude 
Develop a positive            Self-talk habit                            Make time for leisure activities 
Eat a balanced diet           Meditate                                           When you feel it, write it 
Laugh                               Learn to avoid procrastination.            Listen to music Deep breathing 

Reflection: Which of these coping strategies would you be willing to try and why? 
The Bottom Line
There are many simple ways to prevent or reduce stress. Learn to manage it. 

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