Class 604 and 605
Hello kids and parents! Today is Musical Memories Friday!
Daily Attendance Check-In
**** You must complete this chart (name, class, questions) then submit one time only”****
1. You and your family members will reflect and share how music has been passed down through generations and/or through members of your community.
Example: "The Electric Slide" is a song that brings back many special memories for Mr. Fortunat because it was played at his family reunion many years ago.
2. Together, identify 3 (three) songs that has been passed down to your family from a relative/member of the community. (Spend some time identifying the songs, who passed it down to your family, and what special memories come to mind).
3. Share your songs and memories with us below!
Physical Education and Health- Ms. Thompson-
Due Friday @ 11:59pm
1) Continue completing 3physical education and health 1assignment on Edpuzzle for the week.
** Health only applies to classes 604 & 605**
2) For class codes please see previous Blogs, Remind, Skedula, or class Dojo post.
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